Website owners need to create great content that attracts visitors. In this article, we discuss my 5 Tips For Writing Great Website Content.
If you create great content, people will find you, keep coming back and likely tell their friends about you.
However, if you write bad content, no one will read it and your search engine rankings will suffer.
When you write great website content, you will attract more readers and soon become an authority in your niche.
What Exactly Is Website Content?
It’s pretty simple really. Website content refers to everything that appears on your website.
This includes not only text but also images, videos, and interactive elements as well.
It all comes together to create a unique experience that draws in visitors and helps them find what they’re looking for on your site.
In short, it is the most important component of your online presence—and is essential if you want people to take notice.
So, here are my 5 tips for writing great website content.

1. Getting Ready To Write.
When getting ready to write, whether you’re writing a blog post, an essay or some other article, there are some things you should consider.
Preparation is everything!
First, you need to be in the right head space (mindset). Try to clear your head of everything other than the writing project you are about to begin.

You should avoid any possible distractions by switching off your cell phone, putting the dog or cat in a different room, make yourself a cup of coffee or tea and get focused.
Begin by preparing an outline for your writing project that includes an introduction and headings.
Think about the needs of your readers (or customers) and try to write in a conversational tone. Do not write long, wordy paragraphs.
Rather, keep the sentences and paragraphs short and make sure that there is white space between them.
Remember AIDA:
- Develop INTEREST.
- Create DESIRE.
- Call to ACTION.
Do not believe that writers are born, not made.

Good writing can be a learned skill. There are many tools available online that can help you become a good writer.
Free tools, such as Grammarly can assist you with correct grammar and spelling. There are artificial intelligence tools that can actually write for you, such as Wordtune or Anyword.
Given the right instructions, these AI tools can create headings and paragraphs for your article. You can then modify and add to these to reflect your own style.
There are many other available tools and Keyword Research tools abound.
With these tools, everyone should be able to write great website content.
2. Understanding Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Google ranks web pages through a process called search engine optimization or SEO.
It’s a complex process and can be quite confusing to someone who is new to it.
To understand SEO, you will need to understand what are keywords and phrases. Go here for a detailed description of this topic.
The purpose of SEO is to make sure your website shows up on the first page of search engine results when you use the right keywords.
In order to do that, you have to start by analyzing your chosen keywords as well as where your competitors are ranking on Google. Go here for a great keyword research tool, called Jaaxy.
Although not quite as important as keywords, you also need links from other websites (backlinks) pointing back at yours. In this way, Google knows you’re an authority in your niche and then you get ranked more highly!
3. Use A Thesaurus To Add Variety To Your Wording.
Creating good content is important to successful website creation. But coming up with original ways to say things is tough.
One way to add variety to your writing, and, thus, make it more interesting, is to use a Thesaurus.
People often have a certain way of writing and may use the same word many times in one article.
Pick these out and use a Thesaurus to find other words with similar meanings. Here is a really good online Thesaurus –
Using this method can be a great way to make sure that you don’t repeat yourself over and over in your posts or pages.
A healthy mix of verbs, nouns and adjectives will help prevent this in any given writing session.
You’ll also keep readers interested by using a variety of words each time they read one of your posts or pages; thus making them more likely to keep coming back for more!
4. Keep It Simple And Easy To Understand.
The internet doesn’t love walls of text and neither do your readers. Therefore, as I mentioned above, keep sentences and paragraphs short.
Always try to keep content useful and as simple to understand as possible.
Headings are important and give your writing form.
Many people skim read first to see if they are interested in going further. It shouldn’t take more than two or three minutes to skim read an entire post.
Make sure that your headings are written in a way that guides your reader through.
So, you should always prioritize clarity over wordiness.
The Yoast SEO website plugin has a Readability Scale which can check your article for passive/active voice and help to ensure the balance is right.
5. Think About Your Reader.
Whenever you write a post, whether it’s for your own site or someone else’s, you need to make sure that you’re always considering your reader.
Your goal should be to answer their questions and solve their problems to keep them interested and engaged in what you have to say. Otherwise, they’ll simply bounce away and look elsewhere.
With that in mind, Google itself is a great source of information for you when searching for keywords.
This is because the results you get when you type into the search box in Google, are actually terms for which people are searching.
You can also find additional terms on the first page of a Google search by checking “People Also Ask”.
In addition, a great tool to find out what people are looking for is
By utilizing these methods of search, you will certainly be in the same head space as your potential readers and customers.
The articles you write will be relevant and interesting to your readers and may lead to a purchase.
Final Thoughts On My 5 Tips For Writing Great Website Content.
As we have explained, it is important to write in simple, easy to understand language. You should definitely avoid using jargon or unusual words that are inaccessible to the average reader.
So, here are the 5 Tips For Writing Great Website Content:
- Get yourself in the right frame of mind to begin writing.
- Make sure you understand SEO.
- Use a Thesaurus to add variety to your article wording.
- Use good headings and keep sentences and paragraphs short.
- Always have the needs of your readers front of mind.
Now you should have an understanding of how to write great website content. Keep it simple with a focus on your readers. Don’t forget about SEO. Use the available tools to assist your writing skills.
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