You’ve probably come here because you want to learn about the undisclosed secrets of online entrepreneurship.
Well, to be an online entrepreneur, you must have excellent marketing skills, the ability to write, and be computer-savvy.
Many people think it is easy to work from home and make money online.
It’s not as easy as it sounds to become a successful online entrepreneur.
There are certain skills that most successful online entrepreneurs have in common that helped them achieve success.
Here are some of the keys to success and what every aspiring entrepreneur should know before they start out on their journey to online entrepreneurship.
Why So Few Succeed At Online Entrepreneurship.
Almost everyone thinks it is easy to become an online entrepreneur. Well, it is not!
You’ve probably read about the “overnight success” of online millionaires. And that is the first secret disclosed!
They were working damn hard for quite a few years before the promised success appeared. And so will you be.
Many people think that all they have to do is market their website and product, get more traffic to their site and success will follow.
This is not true because without proper planning, people tend to fail in online entrepreneurship every year for many reasons, the main one being lack of hard work.

Six Of The Undisclosed Secrets Of Online Entrepreneurship.
Every business needs marketing to survive in today’s economy, and that goes double for online businesses.
More people are working from home than ever before, and there’s no reason why you can’t be one of them too—but building a successful online business takes hard work and a specific approach to marketing.
The six secrets to becoming a successful online entrepreneur are:
- Hard work (you will not be successful if you put in minimal hours).
- Passion (be passionate about your subject (niche)).
- Network with like-minded people.
- Highly developed communication skills.
- Great Time Management skills.
- Never give up.
1. Work Hard To Achieve Your Goals.
You’ve likely heard that old saying, Hard work never killed anyone. Well, it’s true. And to be successful, you will need to put in the hard yards!
In fact, of the many people who have become successful online entrepreneurs, they have all worked hard to achieve their goals.
So, if you combine a good work ethic with the other five keys to success, there is no doubt that you will get there.
Actually, the undisclosed secrets of online entrepreneurship are not really secrets at all! As you well see as we reveal them.
Whether you want to start a company from scratch or are looking to buy into an existing one, there’s no way around hard work if you want to succeed in business.
2. You Must Have Passion!
The biggest reason why most people fail is that they simply do not have enough passion.
If you want to be successful, you will have to cultivate a burning desire for it and really make sure that nothing will get in your way.
Being passionate is what will push you through all kinds of challenges, including rejections from potential customers or investors and long hours without much pay (or without any pay).
Remember: if money was no object and being a highly successful entrepreneur was easy, then everyone would be doing it.
So don’t let anything get in your way; stick with your passion and work hard. And never give up. You can achieve whatever you put your mind to.
3. Network With Like-Minded People.
Finding like-minded people who can help you will be one of your most important tasks as an entrepreneur.
There are many online forums for entrepreneurs. Make sure you join some.

You will need to develop a network of successful online entrepreneurs. Mentorship by someone else who is already successful in the field can be a huge advantage for you.
Training platforms like Wealthy Affiliate have their own communities of worldwide online entrepreneurs. They all have a “pay-it-forward” mindset and are willing to help others succeed.
There are others, such as Startups;com and The Fastlane Forum, that could be helpful for you.
Whatever you do in the online field, you would be well advised to find yourself a good mentor, or a group of them as you work towards success.
4. Communication Skills.
Good communication skills are essential for a successful business, especially an online business.
If you cannot communicate your ideas to others, then you will have trouble developing any sort of online business from home.
It is important to find ways to stay motivated and push yourself forward, while maintaining positive relationships with your family and friends.
But it is also critical to work in an environment that allows you to focus completely on your job without interruptions so that you can get things done quickly and efficiently.
Thus, to be a successful online entrepreneur, you should have a separate home office, so that you can shut out other home distractions.
When starting a new venture, it is important that you dedicate yourself to working hard and not being distracted by anything that could draw your attention away from what needs doing immediately.
5. Good Time Management Skills.
You don’t have to tell anyone that time is a scarce resource, they know it all too well.
When working from home, good time management begins with setting yourself a routine. Set yourself a time by which to be up, ready and in your office every day. Do not start work in your PJs!
Good time management is a basic part of being an online entrepreneur and there are three ways you can effectively manage your time:
- Make plans by making lists.
- Focus on only one major task at a time, and set a time-frame for completion.
- Set priorities for your tasks.

To become an effective online entrepreneur with strong time management skills, try out these tips and see how much more productive you can be!
6. Never Give Up!
A lot of people give up too easily when they see failure around them on a daily basis.
Maybe your friends, family or co-workers don’t believe in you, or maybe even you are having doubts that things will work out for you.
But, never consider failure as an option to give up because success is only achieved through hard work and perseverance through adversity.
If someone criticizes your ideas or disdains your dreams then forget about them.
They are either jealous or lacking vision themselves so it is best to move on and not let anyone get in your way while you pursue your dreams!
Final Thoughts on the Undisclosed Secrets of Online Entrepreneurship!
Most people who write about becoming an online entrepreneur give you the stuff dreams are made of!
I have tried not to do that in this article. Instead, I have tried to tell it like it is.
One of the things that I have not yet mentioned, is the fact that it can take quite some time before you see any money rolling in. Thus, you can feel like a failure.
My own experience, one year in, is that I’m still waiting for the flood gates to open. Likely to be waiting a while, too.
Nevertheless, I keep writing and providing information to the public about working online. I mentioned Wealthy Affiliate earlier in this article.
If, after finding out about the undisclosed secrets of online entrepreneurship, you’d still like to give it a go. Then, check out this article on the Wealthy Affiliate University and why you should join. You won’t regret it.

Everything you mention is true here. It does need hard work and good planning among other things but patience is the key because most people believe that since they haven’t seen success in 2-3-4 months they cannot do it. It can take years before any reasonable success is made and this is something very few people can follow to the end.
Thank you for your comment on my article. I totally agree with you that patience is important. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither will your business be. It takes time to lay the foundations before you see the success. Also you must do a lot of hard work to get there.
I totally agree with you on those undisclosed secrets, especially on the hard work and persistence. Many people think that online entrepreneurs get money right away while you mostly work for free at the beginning. Money comes as you give more value to your audience. This is both a business and spiritual value, that you reap what you put into the universe. Personally, I try to fight against distraction as I don’t have a room dedicated to my work – I work from my living room. But I noticed that whenever I didin”t have distractions, I worked more efficiently.
Angel, I really appreciate your comment. You are so right about persistence. The only way to fail is to give up! I agree that distractions can certainly be a problem when you are trying to run a business. I have a spare bedroom as my office and it certainly helps to be able to shut the door on other things happening within the household. Best wishes, Jenni.
Really beautiful article. It has just reminded me to never give up and always work towards achieving my goal. There was a point where I was about to give up but I’m back on it! I be sure to share this article with friends and family who are within this industry. I am sure that they will appreciate it
Aubin, thank you for commenting on my article and I am so glad that you found it worthwhile. Please feel free to share it with others who may be in the online field. I’m sure they will find it useful. Best wishes, Jenni.