We decided to write this article about the struggle to make money online because the “gurus” tell you it’s easy, but that’s not entirely true.
It’s no secret that making money online is one of the main goals of many self-employed entrepreneurs and digital nomads.
But the truth is, it can be tough to make money online—especially if you’re just starting out or you don’t have any experience in internet marketing.
The good news? Anyone can learn how to make money online, and with the right help, you can start generating passive income quite quickly. But, you’ll have to put in the work!
This blog post will cover what you need to know about earning an income from home as an entrepreneur.
Do You Know What Skills You’ll Need?
Always remember that “you don’t know what you don’t know”.
Therefore, if you’re trying to make money online, there are a few skills you’ll need to possess.
For a start, you’ll need, basic computer skills like typing, entering data into spreadsheets, sending emails, researching topics, etc.
Beyond that, it’s important that you understand how search engines work (SEO), as well as how social media works for online businesses (like on Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter).
Then, there are other more specialized skills depending on what type of online business you choose—for example, if you want to start a travel site, a camping/outdoors site or any other special interest.
Choosing a niche in which to focus your business can be the hardest task of all. And you must choose an interest that you are passionate about. At least, then, you can write prolifically about it.
Knowing what skills are required and how to get them is key to being successful.
Where To Start Developing The Skills And Gaining Knowledge?
If you want to overcome the struggle to make money online, you’ll need two things: skills and knowledge.
Skills like writing abilities, graphic design, and those we have discussed above, must be acquired if you want to make your business work.
Finding the right knowledge base that will assist you in building your business the right way is more of a challenge. But, we have the solution.
Our #1 Recommendation for gaining the knowledge necessary to be successful online is Wealthy Affiliate. Go here to find out more information.
These days, you no longer need to know about coding and the technical aspects of building a website. Such things can now be done with the click of a button!
Even though starting a successful business from scratch is hard, there are some concrete steps every entrepreneur can take that will improve their chances of success. And we’ll go over them here.
The first step is one of attitude. Gaining the right mindset is vital. Staying motivated during the early days is essential because without motivation, progress grinds to a halt quickly.
The second step involves staying informed about what you need in order to succeed with your chosen business model. Thus, you should spend time researching different options before making any decisions about which path to follow.
Part Of The Struggle To Make Money Online Is Having The Time Needed For Your Business.
It is often said that 90% of businesses fail in their first year.
And there are several reasons why—an unmarketable product, lack of knowledge, lack of funding. But, one major reason why they crash and burn, is because the owners don’t have enough time to work on their business.
If you’re working a full-time job and trying to start a side gig, it can be hard to carve out enough time for your new venture.
So, you need to be realistic about how much time you can devote to your new business. If you aren’t able to give it between 10 and 15 hours per week for several months, then it might not be worth pursuing as a side hustle.
Time management is critical to achieving success in business.
The Struggle Is Reduced With A Great Support System.
It is essential that you stay motivated. A good support system can help with that. Here are some suggestions:
- Join an online Forum.
- Get an accountability partner.
- Ask friends for inspiration.
- Find a Mentor.
Join a community of people who are willing to offer tips as well as encouragement—this can be one of your best weapons in staying motivated and focused on your long-term goals.
Wealthy Affiliate has a huge community of worldwide, online entrepreneurs that all newcomers can join. They are generous with their support and advice to those new to the online world.

It is so easy to give up on your online business after just a few months. Therefore, having the support of someone who knows what you’re going through can help keep you moving forward towards your goals.
Having time to work on your business as well as money to invest is another huge challenge facing many would-be entrepreneurs.
At Wealthy Affiliate, it is possible to get going with a FREE Starter Membership, for which there is a 7-day Free Trial of the platform with some initial training. Thus, you can decide if this is the right road for you before investing any of your hard-earned money.
Deciding To Give Up Too Soon Kills Many Online Businesses.
In my experience, there are three main things that hold people back from achieving success online:
- False information about how much money can be made online.
- Lack of skills or knowledge required to get started, and
- Giving up too soon because things aren’t going well.
First off, anybody who tells you that you can make thousands or millions of dollars by doing almost nothing is lying. Nobody gets rich by clicking around on websites for hours at a time.
If you’re struggling, you’re not alone. The best thing is to remind yourself that everybody struggles when they first start working online. Nobody gets rich overnight; it takes hard work.
I recommend trying out a few different ways of making money online before you choose one that you like. Be realistic with your expectations and don’t give up too soon!
One method you should definitely investigate is affiliate marketing. It is the simplest way of making money online. Go here for further information on this subject.
Final Thoughts On The Struggle To Make Money Online.
Despite the struggles that we all encounter when starting something new, there are rewards to be gained.
If you can develop the skills, learn the knowledge stay focused, be consistent and never give up, you will surely succeed in this online business.
Also, if you never get started, you’ll never know if you could have been successful.
Click on the image below where your Starter Membership is awaiting you.