Name: Passive Income Geek
Price: $399 plus $199 Annually
Owners: Morten Storgaard
Overall Rank: 4 out of 5.
Is Passive Income Geek Your Way To Online Success?
Is Passive Income Geek your way to online success? Maybe it is. If you want to work online, you will definitely need some training. The training provided in this course by Morten Storgaard is exceptionally good. The Passive Income Geek course is extensive and Morten is a great teacher. So, if you want to begin your next career with an online business, we think this might be a good place to start.

The Passive Income Geek course is owned by and has been developed by Morten Storgaard.
Morten is based in Denmark and has been in the online marketing space for more than 15 years.
He began by building websites to create passive income. He was successful and so decided to establish this course to teach other people.
In addition to the Passive Income Geek training course, there is also a YouTube Channel with many further trainings that are provided free of charge.
Morten is a “hands-on” teacher and actually demonstrates via video in his online course.
For instance, students can watch him finding and choosing a niche, searching great domain names, selecting topics, searching for and choosing keywords, creating outlines and actually writing blog posts.
So, the owner of this online course is totally involved in the training and future success of his students.
What Is Good About Passive Income Geek?
Let’s discuss the good things we found out during our research:
- Step-by-step comprehensive training with both text and videos.
- Video demonstrations of actual tasks.
- Personal involvement of the owner/developer.
- Community of online entrepreneurs who are active helpers.
- Reasonably priced with 30-day money-back guarantee.
- There are no upsells to Passive Income Geek.
- YouTube Channel with extensive additional training (free-of-charge).
Now For The Not So Good.
We were hard-pressed to find bad things about this training program, so here’s what we think:
- There is no “free trial” period, so you must sign up with $299 to get started. Although, there is a 30-day, money-back guarantee, so that might be considered a free trial.
- You will have to pay to purchase a domain name and monthly hosting for your website, but this is minimal.
- More useful for beginners than for experienced online marketers.

Who Would Benefit From Passive Income Geek?
This training course would be of most benefit to beginners in the online marketing space.
It would be especially good as a side-hustle for anyone with a job who wants to increase their income.
Do not worry if you have no experience in this field and don’t understand the terminology. Morten Storgaard explains everything in plain English without using any industry jargon.
Therefore, it is ideal for anyone who wants to learn about online marketing and who is starting from scratch.
Of course, if you want immediate income, then this is not the course for you. You will need to put in the time to work through course to become proficient.
This is NOT a get-rich-quick scheme – actually, there is no such thing!
If you decide to get involved and register for this course, you will soon find yourself gaining expertise in generating passive income.
You may wonder why you waited so long!
I can show you where you can get started FREE and learn how to make money online. This includes free websites and hosting.
Tools & Training.
As we have mentioned above there is a comprehensive step-by-step training course utilizing both video and text.
This is a course that teaches you everything you need to know to start generating passive income.
Let’s discuss some of the important things you will learn from the Passive Income Geek course.
All About Niches:
In case you don’t know, a niche is a segment of the online market that you will target with your blog.
This set of lessons includes videos on how to find a lucrative niche and understanding its capacity to earn money for you.
Also covered in this section of the course is how to check out competing websites and evaluating the potential of your chosen niche.
Suitable Topics For Your Blog Posts:
Once you have set up your website in your chosen niche, you will need to start adding content in the form of blog posts and pages.
This group of lessons will teach you how to identify unique topics about which you can write.
Selecting The Right Domain Name For Your Business:
Now that you have a niche for your online business, you will need to find a great domain name that will reflect your niche.
This is a fairly important aspect to ensure that your website will rank in the Google search engine.
If you cannot rank, no-one will find you and this means no traffic to your website and no customers to buy products.
Everything is covered here to help you register your domain, choose a host and avoid the pitfalls.
Getting Your Website Set-Up:
Now we get to the fun part. You’ve chosen your domain and have your website hosted, now it’s time to learn about adding and managing content.
You’ll get guidance on setting up WordPress (one of the best content management systems around).
In addition, connecting Google Analytics will be important to track traffic to your website.
You will be guided through choosing a Theme for your website.
The Theme is like a template for how your website will look when you add content.
Learning How To Write Great Content:
This next section will teach you how to write engaging content (this is the blogging part of your journey).
You will get to know how to use great Headlines and where to get them.
Also, there is training on the different types of content that will attract visitors to your website.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO):
SEO is vitally important in getting your website ranked by Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.
You can learn all about it in this module as well as how to use keywords and phrases effectively within your content.
Monetizing Your Content:
Of course, there is not much point in going to all the trouble of establishing an online business, if it doesn’t make you any money.
So here you can learn about how you can make that happen.
Social Media Marketing:
Properly using Social Media to market your online business will be to your advantage.
Morten teaches here how to use Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube, etc., for your own benefit and how to avoid any pitfalls.
The final segment of the course covers outsourcing.
For example, how you can hire writers or editors and work with them effectively to further build your website.
Community Of Support:
In addition to the course training, there is an active community of supporters.
This is like a forum where you can go to get questions answered or solve problems you encounter.
Passive Income Geek Pricing.
As we have mentioned previously, the cost for getting started with Passive Income Geek is $399 and this covers all training.
While there is no “free trial” of this product, there is a 30-day money back guarantee. However, there are no guidelines on what the requirements are to claim this guarantee.
If you wish to maintain your involvement with the Passive Income Geek community and receive Morten’s updates on the course, an annual payment of $199 will get this for you.
In addition to this, you will need to purchase a domain name (probably $15 – $20) and this is an annual fee.
Then the monthly hosting of your website can be anything from $2.50 to $10.00.
As well as this, there are many more hosting programs that offer specialized packages up to about $50 per month.
My Final Thoughts On Is Passive Income Geek Your Way To Online Success?
We are living now in the age of technology, where everything changes almost at the speed of light!
It was not always that way and, in fact, the internet as we know it today was not actually invented until 1991 when Tim Berners-Lee, a computer programmer from Switzerland, launched the worldwide web.
Since then, it has grown exponentially until the present day when we have the knowledge of the world at our fingertips.
It is not surprising, therefore, that businesses have changed the way they work and that customers have changed the way they shop.
The numbers of people shopping online around the world has now reached 2.14 billion!
The numbers of companies now that have websites and actually sell their products online is quite extraordinary.
That has led to an amazing increase in the number of affiliate programs available to online marketers to generate their incomes.
It is important for those beginning in this field of endeavor to get training so that they can better understand this type of marketing.
Therefore, you must be diligent and get “all your ducks in a row” so that you are well organized when you venture forth.

Obviously, Passive Income Geek is a good training program for beginners to the online marketing field.
Although, I often wonder about the term “passive income” being a misnomer.
Of course, eventually there will probably be income flowing without too much work.
However, in the first instance, you will need to work hard to establish your business, learn about all the different aspects of online marketing to become proficient.
Thus, your early activity will not be “passive”.
Nevertheless, if you work hard and learn well passive income will ultimately be yours to enjoy.
So, What’s The Verdict Then?
I truly believe that this is a legitimate training program, especially targeted at beginners, in the field of online marketing.
The owner of this program, Morten Storgaard has successfully established himself in this arena and wishes to share his knowledge with others through this course.

Hey there! This post is really relevant especially these days since going online would really be necessary to establish and improve one’s business. This is the first time I heard of Passive Income Geek and it sounds like it’s a good program. However, there isn’t any free trial so I would look more into this. Thank you for this review!
Jeelah, Thank you for your comment on my post about Passive Income Geek. Indeed, there is no free trial and you would have to pay the $399 to get started. The best platform I know where you can get started and try out everything FREE of charge is Wealthy Affiliate.