It doesn’t matter at what stage we are in life, questioning what is skill building is one thing of which we should always be aware.
Whether we are starting a new job or considering a new business venture, there is no question that we will need to learn new things.

So, with that in mind, I thought it would be worthwhile to write about What is Skill building and give you 5 ways to develop yours.
I am currently well over 70 years of age and I still try to learn something new every day. As far as I am concerned, when you stop learning – it’s all over!
As an example, I learned shorthand and typing at school and my first job was as a Junior Stenographer for the RAF Police in Changi, Singapore, where my father was stationed.
The pinnacle of my secretarial career was as Personal Assistant to the Chairman of Australia’s largest civil engineering company.
Then it was time for a new direction.
Next came a position as Chief of Staff for the Lord Mayor of Adelaide. This entailed a large amount of Public Relations, as well as staff management. Another sharp learning curve.
My next learning curve came with a 20-year career as a Fundraising and Marketing Professional in the nonprofit sector.
I helped my clients raise well in excess of $80 million!
We will probably all have more than one career so building your skills will be vital to success!
Therefore, without further ado, let’s get going and discuss the 5 ways you can develop your skills.

1. Develop The Right Mindset.
No doubt you’ve heard this a million times. You need to have the right mindset. Well, what does that really mean?

Kendra Cherry, in her article “What Is a Mindset and Why It Matters” describes it thus:
Your mindset is a set of beliefs that shape how you make sense of the world and yourself. It influences how you think, feel, and behave in any given situation.
This sounds like a sensible description of mindset. So, if we believe that is true, then what sort of mindset do we need to develop to learn new skills?
A “growth” mindset is what you need in Cherry’s opinion. A “growth” rather than “fixed” mindset is one in which you believe you are capable of anything.
You believe that you can learn new skills and develop talents that you didn’t know you had. All this is accomplished by practice, study and working at it.
This is the right mindset!
2. Find a Good Mentor.
Before I retired, I was a fundraising and marketing professional in Australia.
As such, I was a member of Fundraising Institute, Australia (FIA). FIA had a great mentorship program where new, upcoming fundraisers were paired with and mentored by experienced professionals.
I was paired with a young fundraiser, who ultimately became a lifelong friend. She is now a young Mum with two little girls and is still in the fundraising field.
Despite my retirement, she still contacts me to discuss her business issues and get help. This, of course, is always available to her – once a mentor, always a mentor!

A good mentor can help you with solving problems and learning new skills.
Moreover, they can suggest good learning platforms to assist you with expanding your skills base.
In addition, a good mentor will identify what might be holding you back and help you overcome it.
Good mentors are essential to building successful careers.
3. Grab Your Opportunities!
When opportunities present themselves, don’t watch them pass by – grab them and run with them. That will usually mean a sharp learning curve for you to acquire new skills.

Make a commitment to yourself that you will not shy away from learning something new. Always try to go the extra mile to ensure that you can accomplish something.
I always find that once new skills are acquired, I feel an incredible sense of euphoria. I pat myself on the back and always celebrate the wins – no matter how small!
4. Develop Professional Relationships And Networks.
One of the many ways that we can learn new skills is by networking with other professionals in our field.
I’m sure you’ve heard the term, “don’t reinvent the wheel.”
So, don’t be afraid to use your network contacts. Ask them how you should go about acquiring a certain skill set. You will probably be surprised at their willingness to help you.
There may be people at different levels of your organization who can teach you something new. Don’t ignore them – seek them out. You may find a new kindred spirit to help you along on your journey.
5. Plan To Enroll In Classes/Courses.
Of course, it goes without saying that you should take classes or courses to build your skills.
Skill building has to be done over a period of time.
It is important to plan for this in a constructive way.

Whatever skills you believe you might need to further your career, make a plan to acquire them.
This is a great subject to discuss with your Mentor. He or she will have some sound advice to assist you in the direction you wish to go.
It is not always necessary to attend a College to gain such skills.
There are many online training organizations as well. Taking a class or course from one of these will allow you to learn your new skill at your own pace and in your own time.
What Is Skill Building For Success?
I hope that I have given you some useful advice with regard to building your skills.
As I mentioned above, it is likely that you will have more than one career in your lifetime.
Each different career direction you take will require you to master new skills.
Don’t be afraid of change – embrace it. Challenge yourself constantly. Try to develop a “growth” mindset because anything you can dream, you can do!
I am now well into the throes of becoming an affiliate marketer – successful, I hope. Yet another sharp learning curve!
For the last few months I have been learning about online marketing. Click on the image below for my #1 Recommended Course.

I am at a bit of a cross roads in my life at the moment, so reading this post is a good reminder for me as to the importance of skill building. Learning is an ongoing process throughout our lives if we want to make progress. And it is fun learning new skills. There are so many things that you mention here that really resonates with me. Many people overlook the importance of having a good mentor, so thank you for including that.
All the best in learning your new skill of affiliate marketing. We are in the same boat there.
Hi Liné, Thank you for your comment on my article about Skillbuilding.I am so glad that you found it useful to your current thought process and wish you every success with your affiliate marketing business. Building an authority website certainly is a slow process. But by being consistently committed, we will get there. Jenni.
Thanks very much for sharing with us all this brilliant article you have written here. I have to say that i found it to be a very interesting and informative read indeed. It sounds like you have had quite a variety of different jobs over the years. This is a good list of skill developing methods that you have listed here.
Thanks for your comment on my article about Skillbuilding. Indeed, I have been around the traps quite a bit and have needed to upgrade my skills at every opportunity. As I said in the article, once I stop learning new things, it will be all over.